By daiki & Michi
This life of ours is ours alone 
But this band is your life too, right?
If we can always laugh together like this 
We won’t hesitate to be misunderstood by anyone 
We won't hesitate anymore

Most of the movies that impressed me so much
And the well-written novels too
I often only watch or read them once or a few times

But as for music, I repeatedly listen to songs everyday
All the time, so much that I’m becoming crazy
A song that I want to sing over and over again
A song that I want to listen to over and over again

AI suggests “People who you may know”
None of them were my close friends
But posts precisely recommended by AI are 
Nothing but posts that you write about us

We started out thinking it was okay even if we could not convey our message
We've just kept believing in this message
And yet, when we think back about our best moments
All we see is you singing our songs.
That’s all we see

If my brain completely forgets about today
I would live my whole life without even noticing that I forgot 
That would be too sad for both of us

So, just one song is okay
Only one song is enough
A song you will never forget 
A song that will bring you back to now whenever you listen to it
I have quite a few people who I just hang out or go for drinks with 
But if I’m told that the definition of someone precious is “Someone you can’t wait to see”
I can’t think of anyone else but you

We keep smiling, if it’s for you
We can do crazily stupid things, That’s our theory
If we can always laugh together like this 
We won’t hesitate to be misunderstood by anyone 
We won't hesitate anymore

Even if you’re blind 
Even if you’re deaf
Since knowing that you are feeling our music
Even if I’m unable to jump 
Even if I lose my voice
These won’t be reasons for me to quit

This life of ours is ours alone
But this band is your life too, right?
Someday even if we become unable to convey our message like this
These feelings won’t be lost or forgotten anymore

Always in this sound,
Ah I so strongly believe in a hope for the future 
When we think back about our best moments of the year
All we see is you singing our songs
That’s all we see

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