BY daiki
From that day, everything suddenly changed
But it’s a valuable sadness that we will hold onto forever
Just Believe that… And let’s move on from today

In a world made up of nothing but exceptions
Even though I try to move forward, sometimes I don't know which way that is
Faint hope always crushes hope itself
Whether I’m happy or not, whether it was good or not, whether the world is large or not
It all depends on how you take it

It doesn’t matter, as long as I’m the protagonist of my own drama
Somebody points a finger at someone else and criticizes them
That finger is in most cases dirtier than that person
While we are living; discrimination, crimes, and wars won’t disappear

The God, who without batting an eye, ignores the children starving to death
Wouldn’t give a shit about our dreams, right?!
If you wish for change, do it yourself!

It’s gonna be the one let’s go and go
We wanna see what’s there let’s go
I'm gonna go go  
Are you gonna go?

People who value money more than themselves only talk about money
If somebody were to say, “Retweet this, and I will give you a lot of money”, I would refuse it
I want to be satisfied eating the food I buy with my own earnings

And even though I was so terrified of dying
if you were to disappear someday, I would want to die as well
Finding someone like that is what life is all about
Somebody who has little regard for love will be a loser for their entire life, no matter what they have won

No matter how much you love someone, 
you need to have the strength to separate yourself from someone who doesn't return your feelings
That's the same thing as cherishing yourself
There is no end to your troubles,
But nobody remembers what they were worrying about 10 years ago today

Wear something you want to, not something that looks good on you
But maybe I’m the one who’s discriminating?
Love whatever you like
Don’t forget! Your life is your own to live!

It’s gonna be the one let’s go and go
We wanna see what’s there let’s go
I'm gonna go go  
Are you gonna go?

I will look for a place where there is a chance that I might see you and go there
As long as we are living beings, there’s no guarantee tomorrow will come 
I’m gonna tell you what I want to tell you right in this moment  

From that day, everything suddenly changed
But it’s a valuable sadness that we will hold onto forever
Just Believe that… And let’s move on from today

You don’t need to give a shit about famous sayings that prominent people left behind
Live long to beat all the people who hurt you to the point that you wished for them to die!
Live! That’s the place where you want to go!

In your next life, what kind of job do you want? What kind of person do you want to love?
You can start now!

To us, music is not a business!
It’s our entire life!

Go find it!
Your ‘everything’

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