By Daiki
Like an hourglass, the moment one side fills up, the other side empties out
It robs freedom with freedom
The hurt, the sorrow
Like your pin code, only you should know them
“Goodbye” for today
and “Goodbye” forever
sometimes sound the same
You never want to stop, so go
Like an hourglass turned upside down
it should empty out as it fills
But I can’t forget those days

Most incidents are like a mystery novel, 
After reading, we notice that they were precious
The more precious the person is for me, 
The more I feel scared that they will know my everything
I knew I'd lose something if I spoke my mind

You never want to stop, so go
No matter how inconvenient it is
Only our heart should be free, right?
I don’t want to forget those days

Beyond the night we've arrived at, what we mustn't forget
 “Goodbye” for today
and “Goodbye” forever
sometimes sound the same

You never want to stop, so go
The thing that is most definitely certain is
If you escape from something you love, you will regret it
That is for certain
You never want to stop, so go
No matter how inconvenient it is
Only our heart should be free, right?
It hasn't ended yet, not since that day

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