By Ash
A dimple is a “mark” you leave on a loved one from a past life
you don't want to forget
I don't have one, so I guess I couldn't meet mine

So now, I vow
I found you, who is beyond my wildest dreams
Who I will want to leave my “mark” on

A “dimple” is a “mark” you leave on a loved one from your past life
you don’t want to forget
So we don’t have to worry, we’ll be fine as long as we live happily next time too

So in the next life, I vow
I will wear my “mark”
And I’ll find you
So don’t forget to wear yours too

Even in the face of over 1000 sad, lonely years passing by
Let’s have a type of love that makes us say to each other, “I want to be with you”

someday, across generations
everyone will met that person who they will want to give their eternity to
You're already cute now
But in the next life when you have those “dimples” on your cheeks, you’ll be even cuter

If, even though you have that “mark”,
you are still drowning in loneliness tonight
please smile
So the person you were fated to meet can find your marks

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